Love & Light Smudge Kit


Bring love & light into your life with our Love & Light Smudge Kit! This beautiful energy clearing kit comes with a Sage smudge stick, a Palo Santo stick, and a Selenite wand – perfect for cleansing environments and promoting spiritual balance. Feel peace, harmony, and higher vibes with this triple cleansing set.

Burning white sage helps to purify the mind, body and spirit. It can also be used to cleanse your environment of all negative energy. An aromatic incense, Palo Santo is a natural wood, known for centuries as a spiritual remedy, & often used for purifying, cleansing and getting rid of unwanted energies and spirits. Selenite, also referred to as "liquid light", is known for its powerful healing, energizing and cleansing properties. Simply place your selenite wand on your windowsill in your home to maintain a positive living environment.

All items are ethically and sustainably grown & sourced. Do not leave smudge kit burning unattended. Use with caution and always put out when done cleansing.


  • White Sage Bundle measures 4" long
  • Palo Santo Stick measures approx. 4" long
  • Selenite ruler measures approx. 4"
  • Ethically & sustainably grown & sourced
  • Approx. 100g